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Event Coverage

Whether it's a competition, race, club event, or social gathering - t1 Photo can be there to capture the energy and key moments with sharp images

  • Click on an image to see project / shoot details


    Event Coverage


  • Pricing for this service::

    As Agreed

  • Your event location

    t1 Photo will come to you! Our standard fee includes metro Sydney. Additional charges for travel outside this area.

  • Aim to have your space clean, organised and ready to go prior to arrival.

    Make sure any access, legal, contractor, or owner requirements are in place (for both yourself & t1) to ensure the best outcome on the day.

  • If you are unsure what this means or would like to specify a particular agreement, please reach out and we can discuss your requirements

    What this means:

    You have the right to use the image before anyone else.

    After you release the image, we may use it ourselves or re-sell it.

    This service has 

    First Rights

    licensing by default

    What kind of license / rights agreement are you looking for?

  • Get in contact and let's chat about your needs. 

Social Media Content

Promotional Images

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